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4.2 stars rating

If you could choose how people would rate you, you'd definitely choose 5 stars, right? What could be better than the perfect score?

 The thing is, a 5 star rating shouldn't be what you strive for. 

Wait, allow me to explain. 

People tend to trust & connect with brands that have a 4.2-4.4 star rating OVER a 5 star rating.

The reason? We know that perfection doesn’t exist, so when we see brands that portray a perfect flawless image it doesn't come off as believable. But when we encounter a great brand that shows us a bit of imperfection, we trust the entire brand image. 

In short, you can be perfect, or you can be trusted. You can rarely achieve both. 

If your nonprofit is only showing a perfect & polished image when it comes to marketing, you might want to see how you can show your more human side. Showing, that like any human endeavor, your work isn't perfect all the time will make your audience believe in you. 

But here’s the most important element when it comes to showing your flaws. You want to show those imperfections, but not in your key area of competency.

You wouldn’t want a doctor to share that he didn’t do well in med school, but you’d probably feel a connection and with him if he told you that he’s terrified of heights.

You want to see his human side, but not in a way that would make you question his key competency of practicing medicine. Makes sense?

So take a moment to think about how you can show up in a more authentic and honest way in your nonprofit marketing!