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What your nonprofit marketing might be missing

Are people more likely to donate blood if you pay them?

They did this experiment in Sweden and here’s what happened.

Half the people intending to give blood changed their mind and left when told they’d be compensated.

Giving money to someone who wants to donate blood is taking away from the awesome feeling of being kind & helping others which is so much more valuable to the donor than the money you’re offering.

People want to give, to be kind, to contribute, to make a difference.

You’re giving them that priceless opportunity.

You know when you’re obsessed with a product, company, restaurant that you can’t help but tell a friend they must check it out? Think about the enthusiasm and energy you bring to that conversation. It doesn’t feel like you’re trying to sell them or convince them. It’s simply you wanting to share the awesomeness with someone you love.

Giving someone the opportunity to be part of your cause should be the same.

If it’s missing, it’ll show in your marketing results.

With every post or email you write you need to remember it’s not an ask, it’s an exciting opportunity, it’s an awesome offer.

Show up with that energy & your audience will match it.

Photo via @girlsdogood