Follow this formula

The friend you haven’t heard of in months calls. 

She wants to take you out for lunch. 

And then before you can take your first bite she asks you for a big fat favor. 

Nobody likes that friend. 

The problem isn’t the favor.

 The problem isn’t that she bought you lunch. 

The problem is that she only shows up when she needs something. 

If you’re spending most of your marketing dollars and energy on campaigns, you might be this friend. Only showing up when you need something. 

You need to spend as much time building your relationship, thanking, and showing impact, as you do with your asking. 

Follow this formula 

  1. Ask

  2. Thank

  3. Report

  4. Repeat

 A tax receipt with a generic thank you or an annual report isn’t what it’s about. 

The same way you don’t want your ask to be dry or dull, don’t let the other steps be dry and dull either.


Don’t speak to them, speak to who they want to be


Don’t make this fundraising mistake