Just for funds
Do you feel like investing time & money into your marketing won’t show a return on investment?
If so keep reading .
When it comes to fundraising you KNOW that the ask is just a small percentage of fundraising.
There’s donor cultivation, relationship building, sharing success stories, your why, and the list goes on.
It’s time we look at marketing in the same way.
When you’re marketing you ARE cultivating & relationship building, sharing successes, your why and the list goes on.
Did that seem repetitive? Because it is!
Here’s the two key takeaways I hope you take.
ONE - The same way you value and invest in the donor process you need to value & invest in building a relationship with your audience. No one tries donor cultivation for a day and says oops that doesn’t work. You’re in it for the long haul & you know it will pay off.
TWO - Did you just notice that lots of your donor cultivation content, strategies, and tips can be tweaked for awesome social media content? And vice versa. Yay, I think we just saved some time & resources. Cool right? So dust off your marketing hat & go get ‘em!