What if you didn't need anything

What would you post if you didn’t want anything from your audience?

Most of us use social media because we want something from our audience, we try to interrupt & persuade ppl to take the actions we want them to take.

But marketing done right is a generous act of helping & serving your audience, (not just the beneficiaries of your cause.)

What stories would you tell if your goal was solely to inspire, to educate, to give your audience a sense of community, & connection, no strings attached?

How often do we actually produce content that is just meant to delight our audience?

When you seek to serve, you also recognize that even the donation & volunteer requests aren’t just about your organization. They’re about helping your audience become the ppl they want to be, and allowing them to feel the magic of giving & being part of something bigger than themselves.

Would you have ANY idea what to post if you didn’t want anything from your audience?

If you’d be lost, then it’s time for a new strategy & mindset, send me a DM & we can chat, I’m here to serve 🏻

Photo via @clarenicolson


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